CPR Dispute Resolution Services LLC
Visit: https://drs.cpradr.org/
CPR is the leading global authority on crafting rules, model clauses & protocols for alternative dispute resolution. They're a hybrid think tank, non-profit member organization, and for-profit service organization, with an extremely diverse and sophisticated range of members and clients. This created a unique challenge in establishing the right tone and approach for the project. We love a good challenge!
- Developed an effective online strategy
- Elevated their online brand through strong messaging and a beautiful new website
- Found a marketing voice that strikes the right balance between a non-profit think tank and for profit service organization
- Reorganized and streamline over a decade of content
- Surfaced current content while providing an easy means to access historical content
- Provided technical consulting and practical solutions surrounding their portal integration
- Set them up with much better tools and methodologies for content and website management
- Established enhancing web security through our cloud-based Animus Rex Web CMS
We also created an interactive clause builder for them that allows a client to answer a series of branching questions and receive a set of clauses structured for their specific needs.
We're looking forward to a long relationship with these wonderfully smart people. Bravo!
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